RE: MD Intellectual level

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Aug 03 2003 - 22:58:59 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Lila's Child (SOM)"

    > >Pirsig says:
    > >All individuals who have a mind, can think and are conscious have
    > >achieved the intellectual level.
    > Platt,
    > What makes the intellectual level the fourth level, then? How does that
    > build on the third level? Maybe there is a difference between people
    > who have achieved the intellectual level (virturally everyone not brain
    > dead), and the patterns that evolve on that level?
    > Are those Pirsig's words?

    Those are Pirsig's words, paraphrased. At the intellectual level you
    think for yourself. At the social level, you think like everyone else.
    The intellectual level builds on the social by expanding the values of
    freedom and experience. In the same way, the social level builds on the
    biological, and the biological on the organic.


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