Re: MD On Death

Date: Tue Aug 12 2003 - 01:39:40 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD myths and symbols"

    Hi All,
    Death is all around me these days..
    That made me wonder if the MoQ has anything to say about that.
    So.. Can anyone give me a link to a message posted once on this forum or give
    me a good quote from the books about this subject. I couldn't find anything
    in my quicksearch.. What are your thoughts about death if you should explain it
    in MoQ terms..
    Filosofy has brought me breathing space once before..

    Hello GJ,
    I am sorry to hear you have been experiencing some distress.
    A relative of mine died recently, and so death has been in my thoughts also.

    What would the MoQ say about death?
    We are patterns that emerge from Quality and then sink back into the
    background stream.
    While here, our patterns contribute to the overall evolution of experience,
    we each make a difference.
    You are keeping those who have died alive.

    Wishing you well, and please feel free to talk...
    squonk :)

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