Re: MD myths and symbols

From: Scott R (
Date: Tue Aug 12 2003 - 21:43:15 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Lila's Child"


    > > Yes, subject to the mythic qualification. That is to say, Quality
    > > thinking is not human thinking, and Quality's intentionality is not ours
    > > either. Only to say that human mental verbs are better at pointing to
    > > Quality than human physical verbs.
    > Would you explain the difference between a mental verb and a physical
    > verb?

    Mental verbs: thinking, sensing, feeling, willing,...
    Physical verbs: "atoms moving in the void" -- I know, not just a verb, but
    that's what I had in mind.

    > An independent realm of ideas? Sounds Plato like. Would I be wrong to
    > conclude you're a Platonist?

    I would say I am in the Platonic line, though things have changed since his
    day. Notably that modern metaphysics has to take evolution into account,and
    all we have learned from science, etc.

    > I'm in complete sympathy with the notion that consciousness is a field
    > that our brain "taps" into just as other body organs, lung, stomach,
    > eyes, etc., depend for their function on "fields" (oxygen, food, light)
    > surrounding the body. No reason for the organ of the brain to function
    > any differently.
    > I like the connection to the MOQ where you pointed out "The brain is
    > matter, so there must have been an idea of the brain before the brain
    > (came into being). Hadn't thought of that before. Of course, we run
    > into the chicken/egg problem, but that's just another limit of logos.

    Condensation might provide an answer. The material condenses out of the
    immaterial, so various ideas of reproduction gradually produce physical
    reproduction. Or immaterial eggs and immaterial chickens are one idea that,
    when it takes on material form, become a sequence of two forms. (Just
    wondering -- please don't take this seriously.)

    - Scott

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