Re: MD squonk rider

From: Horse (
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 01:14:36 BST

  • Next message: Steve Peterson: "Re: MD liberals, conservatives & suffering"

    Hi Squonk

    On 20 Aug 2003 at 8:01, wrote:

    > Hello All,
    > Its of no matter really, but i am feeling a bit chuffed. You see, i rode my first solo motorcycle the
    > other day, and felt the thrill of man and machine in harmony.
    > Well, harmony may be over stating it a tad, but something was stirring.
    > squonk rider

    Glad to hear another person on the list is getting (or is already) into riding motorcycles. Hope
    you didn't do what I did on my first ride which was to go straght up into the air - serious wheelie
    - and land flat on my back.
    Just as a matter of interest, how many other folk on the list ride motorcycles - casually or as a
    way of life. Just wondering.


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