Sheldrake (MD economics of want and greed 4)

From: Jonathan B. Marder (
Date: Mon Sep 01 2003 - 15:51:33 BST

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD What comes first?"

    David M., Platt,

    David M.
    > Of course, physical science calls these
    > patterns law and try to reduce all patterns to lower level 'law'
    > patterns. Any thoughts? Do you know Rupert Sheldrake's work? His ideas
    > may be useful in this area.

    If memory serves, Sheldrake proposed a universe of conscious memory
    fields that, when strong enough, cause behavior in a species to change
    and eventually become habitual (static.) His theory would explain how
    static patterns "fix themselves."
    It's been awhile since I read up on Sheldrake's theory, but I recall
    being impressed at the first time I came across it. It appeared to
    bolster my belief that the brain taps into consciousness in the
    environment rather than creating consciousness independently and
    miraculously out of a whirlwind of the neurons.

    Jonathan replies:
    Please note that Rupert Sheldrake's Morphic Fields idea has failed to gain
    serious credence.
    The observations Sheldrake cites are controversial (conventional
    explanations work just as well as Sheldrake's) and Sheldrake has been unable
    to provide an acceptable means of testing his ideas. A quick Google search
    will throw up plenty of material on Sheldrake, from which it quickly becomes
    apparent that contrary to 20 years ago, few scientists now take him
    seriously - the ideas just didn't pan out.


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