Re: MD The S/O divide

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 21:12:19 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Islands in the continuum."

    Hi David (MB)

    > dmb says:
    > I didn't get your DQ/sq=S/O thing. Didn't seem to add up. But we agree here.
    > There's a world of difference between original participation and final
    > participation. (Barfield's terms, I think.) Wilber takes the idea even
    > further and depicts the whole evolutionary process as one of splitting away
    > in order to grow and then returning to the whole. Differentiation and
    > Re-integration are the terms he uses for it. Think of Pirisg's complaint
    > about SOM in this light. Specifically, the idea that SOM intellect beieves
    > it stands alone and was born without parents, is a product of biological
    > man, an epiphenomenon of the brain and all that. As Wilber explains it, this
    > is a case where differentiation has gone too far and intellect has been
    > dis-associated with its ground of being. In this case, re-integration is
    > more desperately needed and is more difficult. I think this only adds to
    > Pirsig's descriptions of the current crisis.

    Does Wilber use the phrase 'ground of being?' Is he using it in the sense that Tillich uses it - is
    that where he got it from? Might lead to an interesting conversation if he is....


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