Re: MD Where things end.

Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 15:17:26 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "MD SOM's ambiguities--an opening for the MOQ"


    Ok, I see it's like the absolute, "there are no absolutes," or having no
    tolerance for intolerance. I am not sure why you think it is insightful to
    point these contradictions out. They are trivial and really don't point to a
    hole in someones argument. You may as well tell someone to just give up on
    discussion altogether. These contradictions are inherent in our language.


    > Andy,
    > > You said Matt made this assertion: "that the state shouldn't interfere
    > > in a person's "self-creation" and in the next breath says that
    > > philosophy should stay out of politics. Apparently these kinds of
    > > contradictions are accepted without a blink of an eye by Rorty fans."
    > >
    > > Andy: OK, I am a Rorty fan. So maybe I just don't see it, but where is
    > > the contradiction?
    > Matt's assertion that the state should not interfere in a person's self-
    > creation is a philosophical statement about the proper role of
    > government. Politics is about government. So he brings philosophy into
    > politics where he says it doesn't belong. It's hard, if not impossible,
    > to escape philosophy.
    > It's like Matt's stating on one hand that Rorty is against universal,
    > fundamental principles and then in the next breath stating as a
    > universal, fundamental principle that "cruelty is the worse thing one
    > can do."
    > Of course, if you don't care about logic and rational discourse, such

    > contradictions are ignored with a shrug. You've no doubt heard of the
    > supposed evils of "logocentrism," the cruel intellectual position that
    > white protestant European males use to maintain positions of power.
    > The feminists are large on that point of view, and it seems Rorty is on
    > board with them with his universal of no uninversals.
    > But, we digress from the MOQ where I think we can find much agreement.
    > Platt
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