Re: MD Truth

From: David MOREY (
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 20:23:23 BST

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Truth"

    Matt says:
    > I want to simply suggest that people read Rorty as placing values at the
    center of his philosophy. I don't have the energy or spirit to argue for
    this anymore, but I have in the past, though nobody believes me. I believe
    the issue between Rorty and Pirsig is not values, but metaphysics. If you
    value metaphysics greater than values, then you'll discount Rorty wholesale.
    But if you value values, then you'll find some use for him.

    DM: In fact, he places values above philosophy, he expects our great artists
    to have more to say about values
    than philosophy does, and as values feed on empathy this is probably true.
    Rorty fears absolute/dogmatic style truth
    because he fears that such fundamental truth may be used to place the value
    of truth over mere human lives. An
    honourable fear. Perhaps truth can only belong to individuals, true for me,
    but only maybe-true for you. For me, Rorty
    is dead right to attack the sort of metaphysics he does attack, Pirsig's
    hope, of course, is to do a new kind of metaphysics,
    that values the individual as the being most potentially full of
    transcendence, what a strange being an individual is.
    The best role that a new metaphysics could play is to find a way to
    popularise the exclusion of bas metaphysics, i.e.
    metaphysics that undermines the value of value and quality and ethics and
    life, etc, i.e. the metaphysics of dualism,
    appearently the metaphysics of non-dualism is raising its head in European
    philosophy. But how to be clear and popular,
    Pirsig has made the best start to date I feel. But still too hard for most,
    especially in Lila. But, then again, maybe popular
    culture has had its day, perhaps high culture is the new popular culture,
    you've got to go somewhere new if you can kick
    the mind-numbing alternative forms of entertainment/drugs/loss of
    consciousness. At least someone from my background
    would never in the past have discovered the benefits of knowledge -but not
    so now. The information is out there, although
    cutting through the rubbish is some task.

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, October 20, 2003 11:29 PM
    Subject: Re: MD Truth

    > Mark said:
    > I do not discount the possibility that this formula may be encapsulated by
    Rorty, but as Rorty does not use a value lead metaphysical framework, i
    should need a great deal of convincing before valuing it.
    > Matt:
    > I want to simply suggest that people read Rorty as placing values at the
    center of his philosophy. I don't have the energy or spirit to argue for
    this anymore, but I have in the past, though nobody believes me. I believe
    the issue between Rorty and Pirsig is not values, but metaphysics. If you
    value metaphysics greater than values, then you'll discount Rorty wholesale.
    But if you value values, then you'll find some use for him.
    > Matt
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