RE: MD Western achievement

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Oct 26 2003 - 22:34:09 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD What makes an idea dangerous?"


    > Platt said:
    > In his new book, "Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the
    > Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950," Charles Murray concludes that a
    > whopping 72 percent of the significant figures in the arts and sciences
    > came from just four European countries: Britain, France, Germany and
    > Italy. However, the rate of achievement in these countries appeared to
    > plummet in the mid-19th century due to a collapse of social values and
    > the advent of nihilism. When Christianity began to lose its appeal,
    > things began to go downhill...
    > dmb says:
    > Charles Murray? Thee Charles Murray? The fascist bigot of "Bell Curve"
    > fame?

    One man's "fascist bigot' is another man's impartial social scientist.

    > Here's what one reviewer, David Lethbridge, said about this
    > previous book...
    > And that, fundamentally, is the crucial point about The Bell Curve. The
    > function of science is to reveal the truth, and all science worthy of
    > the name serves the people as it serves the truth. What Murray and
    > Herrnstein have done is the opposite of science. They have assembled a
    > body of work by racists and fascists whose function is to promote racial
    > hatred and class exploitation, by ideologues so committed to racialism
    > that every difference noted between ethnic groups within racist
    > societies, such as the US and South Africa during apartheid, is almost
    > automatically attributed to alleged biological inferiority rather than
    > racial exclusion, enforced poverty, mass unemployment, poor education,
    > and the many other forms of ruling class ideology and oppression.

    Yes, a review right out of the Marxist Red Brigades' politically
    correct handbook. :-)


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