Re: MD Measuring values

From: Ian Glendinning (
Date: Sun Jan 04 2004 - 00:43:21 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Measuring values"

    Mark is right here.

    We should not be surprised that the basis of values is more mature, bedded down or reified at the lower levels and more speculative, immature or dynamic at the higher. The lower are necessary conditions for the higher (hygiene in Maslow terms), and the the higher couldn't really exist, however fuzzy, if the lower were not relatively stable.

    I've been ploughing through Rorty in the last couple of months and still find Pirsig to be a pragmatist in Rorty terms, but am constantly baffled that Rorty steers clear not only of any absolute values, but even from any useful framework of values like the MoQ.

    Has Rorty ever published comments on Pirsig or the MoQ ?

    (.... other than acknowledging common Chicago / Adler / McKeon / anti-Platonic connection with Pirsig in his Trotsky and the Wild Orchids, which I now find in Philosophy and Social Hope.)

    Ian Glendinning

      ----- Original Message -----
      Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2004 10:59 PM
      Subject: Re: MD Measuring values

      In a message dated 1/3/04 9:28:09 PM GMT Standard Time, writes:

        Any thoughts on these questions would be most appreciated. It seems the
        higher the level, the fuzzier values become.


      Hi Platt,
      Maybe what you are recognising here is that higher levels are more open to DQ and therefore evolving faster? I have always felt this provides a good argument for the levels in the first place: The higher the level the faster it evolves.
      Also, that which measures value is a five fold entity, so depending on how you are configured at any instant in time and depending on the overall coherence of all patterns determines value.
      Basically that amounts to go with the flow?
      All the best,

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