Re: MD Pirsig and Rorty the inadequacies of post modernism

From: joan vollmann (
Date: Sat Feb 14 2004 - 04:36:46 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Pirsig and Rorty the inadequacies of post modernism"

    Yes that is the answer I expected you to give and thank you for giving it. It does seem so obvious. But it is not obvious to me that mathematical creations are static. The static representation of a mathematical concept (the printed page) is not the math any more than a pile of Spice Girls records and a match is a fire. If I attempt to follow Andrew Wiles' proof of Fermat, math does not magically happen. A headache happens. In other words math is in the mind. It is an intellectual pattern. I don't believe that intellectual patterns can be static. Even memory. Perhaps this is why mathematicians write things down. And what they write down is not math.
    knee deep in the hoopla,

    David MOREY <> wrote:
    Obviously what has been created in mathematics is static
    whilst what is in the process of being created has a dynamic aspect.
    Also, what mathematics can handle has to be static to be described
    mathematically, i.e. inverse square law is a pattern or static as we say in
    these parts.
    David M
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: joan vollmann
    Sent: Friday, February 13, 2004 4:02 AM
    Subject: Re: MD Pirsig and Rorty the inadequacies of post modernism

    David MOREY <> wrote: Hi
    I did pick up the irony but wanted you to expand upon it.
    I did say static qualities (repeating) dominates mathematics
    where as DQ implies contingency/chaos/opennes or creativity,
    obviously some maths is looking at chaotic systems.
    This is interesting to me. When you say mathematics do you mean the body of research and literature, or the active process of doing math? Also, why do you use the term "maths".
    bulldoze me with your acumen

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