MD SQ-SQ coherence in random events.

Date: Fri Feb 27 2004 - 16:14:35 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD DQ and Degeneracy - Which is which?"

    Dear forum,
    This week has seen a flood of perceived SQ-SQ tensions and coherence. I can
    hardly keep up with it.
    How does the forum view the beauty of the following:
    The sound of a running stream.
    Staring into the flames of an open fire.
    The sound of distant thunder.
    The chatter of a crowd of people.
    The chatter of a morning bird chorus.
    The feel of one's fingers running over the surface of wood bark.

    In all these events there appear to be the potential for a very, very fine
    balance between the capturing or perception of a pattern and the exquisite
    surprise of the unexpected - a balance so fine that it produces exceptional
    coherence in SQ-SQ tension.

    Examine your own experience? Staring into the flames of an open fire, one
    becomes coherent with the dance of the flames. This dance is itself a coherent
    tension between the patterns of the fire and unexpected movements at the cutting
    edge of reality - that point were DQ intervenes. One may become calm; one may
    contemplate and be creative, almost without directed effort. Perhaps the only
    effort required is to simply ask a question and wait?

    Has anyone ever listened to the chatter of a crowed just on the edge of
    perceiving patterns of conversation? You are at such a distance as to render all
    sounds unintelligible, and yet the distinctive flavour of human vocal patterns
    is recognisable. What a calming sound that is? And why should this be? Could it
    be at the sweet spot of distance static patterns become coherent with Dynamic
    surprise - a laugh, a half heard word, the cadence of a sentence heard as

    The feel of wood bark as one runs one's fingers over its surface may have a
    sweet spot of motion - too fast and all is too Dynamic - to slow and the
    pattern of the experience is dead. But flow in an optimal style and one may achieve
    coherence between patterned experience and the subtle surprise of the
    unexpected? Time stands still, and one becomes aware of suspension.

    The sound of the running stream, or perhaps the fall of rain over a dense
    canopy is one of my favourite examples? I love it. Here, i feel, we may all
    experience that coherence between recognising a pattern and finding our attention
    dislocated by random Dynamic flow. I feel the balance found here is really most
    exceptional indeed. And i sincerely believe the metaphysics of Quality helps
    us understand why this is so.

    It would appear we are surrounded by beauty if we should stop and look?

    All the best,

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