Re: MD SQ-SQ tension/coherence in white noise.

Date: Tue Mar 02 2004 - 01:25:35 GMT

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    It's funny you mention this, I have recently witnessed this effect of
    what may be near to "white noise" (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer) on my
    baby daughter and wondered about it. I thought that perhaps white noise
    is somehow related to the white light people report at near death
    experiences. From this link I was struck by the idea that the experience
    of white noise and white light can, perhaps only by analogy, help one
    understand what is meant by the line from the Buddhist Heart Sutra that,
    "form is emptiness, emptiness is form." White noise is pure potential
    and is clearly something, yet it contains nothing discernible and so is
    equally nothing at all. Perhaps our reality begins with this nothingness
    and infinite potential and is created by gradually shutting out this
    potential on the basis of value. Enlightenment is then the reverse of
    this process until nothingness is restored.

    Maybe then, this sound reminds babies of the wholeness from which they
    have only recently emerged?

    Just thought I'd share my conjecture with you. Thanks for sharing your
    ponderings Mark.


    Hi Paul,
    Thanks for reminding me i am not entirely alone. (!)
    If you visit the web site i mentioned in the original post you will find
    recordings of home appliances - air conditioning units, vacuum cleaners, etc. that
    produce 'near white noise.' You have already observed the connection!

    Buddhist Heart Sutra that,
    "form is emptiness, emptiness is form." White noise is pure potential
    and is clearly something, yet it contains nothing discernible and so is
    equally nothing at all. Perhaps our reality begins with this nothingness
    and infinite potential and is created by gradually shutting out this
    potential on the basis of value. Enlightenment is then the reverse of
    this process until nothingness is restored.

    Thanks for making this connection Paul, i find this totally fascinating. If
    we replace 'nothingness' with DQ, we have:
    Perhaps our reality begins with this DQ
    and infinite potential and is created by gradually shutting out this
    potential on the basis of value. Enlightenment is then the reverse of
    this process until DQ is restored.

    Thus, we experience reality motivated by DQ and heading towards DQ without
    contradiction as the MoQ suggests. I was sneaking in SQ-SQ coherence as that
    pivotal cutting edge were DQ motivation meets DQ destination - the here and now.
    This still requires thought on my part, but day - to - day mundane microcosmic
    examples of it at work feed my curiosity. We may all explore this if we wish
    to understand the MoQ better? After all, the Buddha nature resides everywhere?

    All the best,

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