Re: OT Re: Legal actions [was MD Quality takes a hit]

From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Mon Mar 08 2004 - 15:45:48 GMT

  • Next message: Matthew Poot: "Re: MD Beyond Liberalism?"

    Hello all,

    > P.S. Go buy Linux if you dont like windows.

    Not to start a flame war, but I'm a Mac user. :^{P>

    Poot: Or , you could just not buy windows ;-o
    but that would be illegal, wouldn't it?? shucks (sp)

    Concerning the Monopoly of Microsoft: As one who has been addicted to
    computer games /multiplayer games (after I got the internet), I can assure
    you, that if you are a Mac user, then you are screwed. If it is even
    released for the Mac (unix, linux) OS' then it is such a pain in the arse
    and a hassle to work it understand? I use Microsoft
    windows 98SE, because it is free from all of the BS of XP, 2000 is crap, ME
    is for those who want to be hacked to death.

    And the ongoing legal action against Microsoft? Microsoft could BUY the
    USA. (lets just see what happens when the debt goes beyond trillions).

    Microsoft doesn't really focus on providing high-quality product, but
    focuses on making a product which will ensnare people , and basically force
    them to use it. (My friends have briefly switched to linux, and relearning
    how to do everything, and then being excluded from some of the "Microsoft
    Only" makes it very difficult.

    Again, just don't buy windows! haha (watch out for the FBI!)


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Leland Jory <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 8:50 AM
    Subject: OT Re: Legal actions [was MD Quality takes a hit]

    > On Mar 7, 2004, at 21:18, steve wrote:
    > > In response to Leland: There is nothing standing in the way of
    > > anybody
    > > producing and selling an operating system better than windows.
    > True, but there is something standing in the way of anybody making
    > money in the process. It's called the monopoly that Microsoft has on
    > the desktop market.
    > > Infact there
    > > are quite a few options available You can purchase and install on Your
    > > computer either in addition to or to replace windows. The reason
    > > windows is
    > > so dominant is because it is an "open" system, meaning anyone can
    > > produce
    > > software or hardware compatible with windows without getting
    > > permission from
    > > or even contacting microsoft.
    > You misuse the term "open". Windows is actually a very "closed" system,
    > because the underlying code is not available for public perusal. Sure,
    > you can write software for Windows, because Microsoft publishes certain
    > Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for developers to use.
    > However, they keep the "best" APIs to themselves, so their own software
    > can integrate more tightly with the OS.
    > An OS company would be committing suicide if they released a completely
    > closed OS (where developers would have to ask permission to write an
    > app). That model is so far fetched as to be ludicrous.
    > > It was the other manufacturers that tried to
    > > capture the market by making brand specific products who lost out on
    > > the
    > > world because of their incompatability, not Microsofts. No I dont work
    > > for
    > > or am affiliated in any way . steve.
    > Could have fooled me. BTW, most manufacturers use standards in their
    > products while MS uses many proprietary formats, yet you call the other
    > manufacturers the ones "incompatible". Hmm. For example, iTunes uses
    > AAC as an audio codec (an open standard based on MP4) while MS uses
    > Windows Media Audio (a closed, proprietary codec requiring the payment
    > of licensing fees to MS).
    > >
    > > P.S. Go buy Linux if you dont like windows.
    > Not to start a flame war, but I'm a Mac user. :^{P>
    > --
    > Leland Jory :^{)>
    > Cafeteria Spiritualist and Philosopher
    > "It is a puzzling thing. The truth knocks on the door and you say, 'Go
    > away, I'm looking for the truth.' and so it goes away. Puzzling." -
    > Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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