Re: MD junk

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 22:11:21 GMT

  • Next message: Matthew Poot: "Re: MD junk"

    Dear Don (drose),

    You wrote 15 Mar 2004 19:14:14 -0500:
    'Having engaged in innumerable discussions on American politics in many
    different forums, I have to say that it is impossible not to bicker with
    fellow Americans, precisely because America is polarised. The war between
    the intellectual level and the social level is very much alive here, more so
    than in Europe.
    The intellectual level is in fact under attack by quasi-intellectuals
    (represented politically primarily by the "liberal/left/socialists."
    Europeans are, as a rule, much less polarised, having succumbed already.

    I agree that bickering is difficult to avoid in a polarized political
    climate, but need politics play a role in this discussion group?

    I don't agree that there is (or has been) a war between the intellectual and
    social level anywhere. In my definitions of intellectual and social patterns
    of value they are too discrete to be at war.
    (I know, in 'Lila' Pirsig not only states that the levels are discrete, but
    also uses the 'war' metaphor for the relation between these levels. For me
    this implies an inconsistency in his ideas. Maybe because he is an American
    too? (-;)
    There can be a war between people behaving in accordance with a lower
    quality social pattern of value and people behaving in accordance with a
    higher quality social pattern of value. War, and more generally 'us versus
    them' behaviour, is a relatively low quality social pattern of value anyway,
    lower than cooperative behaviour.
    They can motivate their behaviour using intellectual patterns of value of
    different quality. (Those behaving in accordance with a higher quality
    social pattern of value don't necessary motivate their behaviour with the
    highest quality intellectual pattern of value...)
    Unthinking behavioural patterns (collective 'habits') can't be at war with
    patterns of motivation of behaviour (or patterns of understanding reality,
    that are also part of the intellectual level), however.

    I don't think it clarifies the discussion to associate 'the intellectual
    level' with 'intellectuals'. 'Intellectual' is a role in a social pattern of

    What does 'VBSEG' mean?

    With friendly greetings,


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