Re: MD quality religion

From: David MOREY (
Date: Thu Mar 25 2004 - 18:48:05 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Biosphere."

    Hi All

    My inclination is to consign the past to the past.
    Yet the next step forward will build on everything that
    has passed. We have had myths, religion, science,
    what is next? I think that moving beyond SOM means
    trying to bring all the diversity of existence back together again
    into the fullest story ever told....

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Michael Mathews" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:05 AM
    Subject: Re: MD quality religion

    > In many ways I see that the MOQ follows suite with many of the eastern
    > religions. For instance while some may have no faith what so ever in
    > anything "other worldly" they still look to the practice of Buddhism
    > of it's ability to co-exist with evolution and science. Many say it's the
    > science of the mind and almost discount the fact that it's a religion.
    > of the eastern religions and native american religions follow the
    > static/dynamic flow that the MOQ presents they just use other words to
    > convey the point. Yin and Yang could almost be put right on the cover of
    > Lila I think (although I think it would have made me pass the book
    > As you all know this is just my opinion but I've always been able to find
    > heavy links between the MOQ and taoism, which extends to several other
    > eastern religions.
    > As far as the point about which religion is the epitome of mankind. Well,
    > don't think there is an answer, unless you can somehow mesh all the
    > religions together. If you look at the major religions of the world not
    > the contemporary sense but from the conception of the religions. In the
    > beginning if you pay close attention and pull back a bit they seem to work
    > quite well together (I guess it's the people that don't get along). The
    > stories are all told differently and in the end look a world apart but so
    > many points they come together (even the Eastern and Western religions,
    > excluding small sects, off-branches, and cults) I could start listing off
    > details but it will just stray me from the point.
    > I think though that perhaps we have to look more towards faith then
    > religion. I don't care if people dislike organized religions, or can't
    > believe a god or afterlife I think that's something that plagues humans
    > throughout their existence. It does, however, scare the heck out of me
    > I find someone that has faith in nothing. Whether it be science,
    > philosophy, or themselves. Faith is the driving factor behind all of
    > things in life, without it I don't think we'd be dynamic, what would push
    > to keep going? As always though faith leads to ritual which leads to a
    > religion. I believe science in itself is a religion to some. I think
    > completely possible to live by the MOQ and various other philosophies as
    > religions. So maybe we're really asking what's the best philosophy????
    > Please remember I am still new to posting so if I fell off the trail on
    > one just let me know.
    > michael
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