MD metaphysics of morality

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Thu Apr 01 2004 - 07:10:36 BST

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "Re: MD secular humanism and dynamic quality"

    Dear Calvin (MBSJ79),

    Would you please be so kind to mention your name (so I don't have to look it
    up every time) and to refer to the post you are replying to (at least by
    using its subject line) when you reply to a post of mine? Thanks.

    In what way is this 'personal metaphysics of morality' you are working on
    (31 Mar 2004 18:30:32 -0500) different from the MoQ?
    According to the MoQ as I understand it, it is not true that (as you write)
    'morality is only evident in actions'.
    Beating your childred when they do wrong expresses another morality than
    merely teaching them with words. Both are behaviour. Both can be called
    'actions' (the way I tend to use that word) if they express conscious
    choices to raise your children in a particular way.
    Behaviour also expresses different types of morality according to the MoQ as
    I understand it. Beating your childred when they do wrong may express
    relatively more a social level morality (to the extent that you do so merely
    because you have experienced the same kind of 'education' or because you see
    other parents doing the same). Merely teaching them with words may express
    more of an intellectual level morality (even if only because it requires
    deviating from past teaching practices and you will have reasons to do so).
    It can however incidentally be completely the other way around, when you
    have been raised by radically anti-authoritarian parents respectively hold
    the view that society is degenerating rapidly when children aren't
    disciplined more effectively one way or another.

    With friendly greetings,


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