Re: MD The Individual Level

Date: Fri Apr 16 2004 - 21:27:52 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD The Individual in the MOQ"

    >I see no contradictions in renaming the Intellectual Level the Individual
    >Level. It's simply a proposal for a change for the better in the MOQ,
    >something Pirsig encouraged.

    In his Lila's Child annotations Robert Pirsig writes: "The word 'I' like the
    word 'self' is one of the trickiest words in any metaphysics. Sometimes it
    is an object, a human body; sometimes it is a subject, a human mind. I
    believe there are a number of philosophic systems, notably Ayn Rand's
    'Objectivism,' that call the 'I' or 'individual' the central reality.
    Buddhists say it is an illusion. So do scientists. The MOQ says it is a
    collection of static patterns cabable of apprehending Dynamic Quality. I
    think that if you identify the 'I' with the intellect and nothing else you
    are taking an uinusual position that may need some defending." (#130)


    Hello Dan,
    I like this quote.
    'I' is a collection of static patterns capable of apprehending Dynamic
    Quality in the MoQ.
    If we replace 'coherence' with all four levels in the following diagram:

    Event stream (DQ) (SODV) --------> Coherence <-------- DQ goal of Evolution

    we can describe the arc of Human being depending on which level is
    Thus, individuality depends on the character of Coherence: "if you identify
    the 'I' with the intellect and nothing else you are taking an unusual position
    that may need some defending."

    All the best,

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