Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Biosphere.

From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Thu Apr 22 2004 - 21:48:41 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "MD A question about beauty"

    Hello everyone,

    I thought that I would just post something interesting I found from one of
    the members here concerning the migration towards DQ.

    and the paradox of why "life" appears to move towards order in apparent
    contradiction of the 2nd law. Actually, the paradox is false for reasons
    closely related to Pirsig's levels of organisation; biological
    "organisation" proceeds to higher order precisely because it allows more
    *molecular* disorder! It also can explain the evolutionary trend from simple
    (single cells) to higher complexity (muticellular organisms, families,
    communities, ecosystems etc..).

    -Jonathan Marder

    I would write, but I have little time


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Platt Holden <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 10:52 AM
    Subject: Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Biosphere.

    > Hi Leland,
    > >
    > > On Apr 21, 2004, at 15:21, Wim Nusselder wrote:
    > >
    > > > [Platt] wrote 20 Apr 2004 12:25:02 -0400:
    > > > 'Pirsig attributes Quality (reality) to [consciousness], or at least
    > > > "direct experience" which, IMO, presumes consciousness.'
    > > >
    > > > Doesn't Pirsig's hot stove thgought experiment show that consciousness
    > > > follows direct Qualty experience? You react before you are aware.
    > >
    > > I see many people put the cart before the horse in this way. I recently
    > > heard a question from a Christian (directed at non-believers) that
    > > basically asked where humanity's "moral sense" comes from if not God.
    > > implication is that morality would have to be the result of humanity if
    > > derived from a Creator. My reply is that humanity is the result of
    > > morality, not the other way around.
    > A sign to create and post in my studio . . . to remind me of the way of
    > the world:
    > "Humanity is the result of morality."
    > Thanks Leland!
    > Platt
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