Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Sun Jul 04 2004 - 16:42:32 BST

  • Next message: "MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"

    Platt asked:

    > > If our mutual "ax to grind" is using the MOQ to
    > > "improve the general
    > > quality of life" are we, in effect, "putting
    > > philosophy in the service of
    > > a social organization--you in socialism and me in
    > > capitalism--with dogmas
    > > attending both sides?

    Gav responded:

    > i agree with platt here: it is immoral for the MOQ to
    > be used as a support for any ideology.
    > even though capitalism sits well with free markets it
    > is as static as socialism in other ways:
    > capitalism prefers kitsch to art - generally more
    > popular and therefore profitable; capitalism values an
    > obedient and predictable populace - better for
    > business.

    Arlo asks:

    Hopefully this won't appear as to novice of a question. How is using the MOQ to
    illuminate a higher quality view of economics (to speak very broadly) any
    different from Pirsig himself using the MOQ to illuminate a higher quality view
    of anthropology?

    I did not take the conversation to be about the MOQ supporting "capitalism" or
    "socialism", but about how applying the priniciples of the MOQ can illuminate
    shortcomings or oversights *in both idealogies* in the discussion. After all,
    were not the founders of these "idealogies" operating from a SO mindset? Would
    it not be natural, then, to gather that they built SO duality into these
    systems? (For example, and feel free to dispute this, I am coming to believe
    that "alienation of labor" is a result of a SO duality in the production
    system, whether discussed by Marx or Pirsig. If using the MOQ to higlight
    alienating activities inherenet in our system as a result of SO duality, and
    using this as a basis for criticizing the current economic idealogy is against
    the spirit of the MOQ, I'm not sure I understand what the purpose of the MOQ

    Furthermore, and I hope I am not out of place making this observation, but why
    must this be about something VERSUS something else? Isn't the purpose of the
    dialogue to transform an understanding within ourselves as to the object of
    discussion? This notion that both "capitalism" and "socialism" must be accepted
    or rejected as huge chucks "as is" is ridiculous. If we start with the notion
    that free markets are more moral, and (as Anthony has indicated) that
    employee-owned companies are more moral, is it not possible to build a
    MOQ-based criticism against the instantiations of any economic system? This is
    rightfully, I think, just what Gav was doing.

    Is it not in the spirit of the MOQ to ask why, if employee-owned companies are
    more moral the current economic system disfavors them? Or why, in the current
    system, is it still the norm for labor to be disconnected from Quality (as
    Pirsig laments in ZMM)?

    Perhaps these are naive questions, if so, my apologies.


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