LS Return from the biological level.

clark (
Sat, 5 Sep 1998 04:07:18 +0100

Bodvar, Andy, Hugo, Platt, and squad.
  This is to inform you that I have been evaluated as having had a mild
heart attack from which I have been released with no restrictions on my
activities and with a pocket full of medications and a small bottle of
nitroglycerin tablets as insurance. Probably a blessing in disguise. If it
had waited a while longer I might have been able to give you some first
hand observations on the operation of the MoQ.
  Henceforth I am going to avoid getting so passionate about my opinions
and quit trying to proselytize. I may even get so I agree fully with Donny.
  I agree with Diana that it is not so important that we all see eye to eye
but that we agree on a simple explanation of the MoQ that we can present to
the world. I will be reading the mail with interest and fascination and
will dip in when I can't stand it any longer.
 Thank you for your concern. Ken

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