LS Free will

Lorenz Gude (
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 13:09:48 +0100

Diana, Riskybiz, squad.

Diana wrote....

>From the sound of this it seems more like free will is what you're
lacking. This experience just won't leave you alone. It's almost inevitable
that you will go to Louisiana. Dynamic Quality compels you to. If you had
free will why not will yourself to forget about it and leave it at that?
What it all points to is that inevitability, fate, destiny have more to do
with Dynamic Quality than static and that free will is merely an
intellectual concept in the same way that the subject-object metaphysics is.
That's not to say that I equate determinism with Dynmic Quality. The idea
that everything follows fixed scientific laws is as static as they come. I
would suggest that both determinism and free will are static patterns. This
is a problem in the SOM because there can only be one Truth, hence the
platypus. The MoQ however allows for more than one intellectual pattern so
determinism and free will can coexist. Dynamic Quality isn't either of them.
Well, your explanation certainly FEELS a lot more like the experience from
the inside. Inevitable in one sense and at the same time requiring a great
deal of effort to bring about. I notice that I always get a little tired
feeling whenever free will and determinism come up. Like I want to say:
"That's not the point." Your explanation distances Dynamic Quality from SOM
in general and free will and determinism in particular. Thanks.

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