LS PROGRAM SOM platypi and MoQ solutions

Horse (
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 13:10:47 +0100

Hi Jonathan and Squad

> What it comes down to is that the concept of "purpose" is an enormous
> SOM platypus.

Hallelujah! It was while pondering the question of PURPOSE (and
it's brother MEANING) that I experienced the Quality revelation.

This is where so many of the [SOM] Value theorists have so much
trouble. If we have only SOM purpose then our value is merely in
terms of the use we have to others. Similarly, purpose is highly
'subjective' and transitory. How demeaning! Value theorists label
this (purpose) as Instrumental value, which is recognised by the
subject in the object, and attempt to show that 'Intrinsic' and/or
'Inherent' value can be inferred by removal of Instrumental value and
examining the residue. Hah!

Actually, they seem to have some good ideas but are operating in
a fairly hostile environment. At least they recognise that value
exists. The main thrust is that value is a property of the object,
recognised by the subject. In other words, inferred. They seem to
be making some headway (Callicott et. al.) but not nearly enough
and especially not where it counts. Still it's a start.

The MoQ does offer a superb alternative by considering Value as
the basis of reality and inferring S and O from this starting point. A
neat Pirsigian perspective. This doesn't mean that purpose ceases
to exist though, just the opposite, it gives it a completely different
character. The question "does life have purpose/meaning" is mainly
irrelevant and pointless from a SOM perspective. From an MoQ
point of view it is so obvious as to be painful to even ask the
question. Purpose/meaning IS value. To exist is to have purpose
and meaning. Purpose/meaning creates subject and object.


"Making history, it turned out, was quite easy.
It was what got written down.
It was as simple as that!"
Sir Sam Vimes.

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