LS MOQ level 5

glove (
Wed, 9 Sep 1998 13:15:40 +0100

hi Horse and squad

Horse, you will have to forgive my bluntness in asserting SO thinking. i
didnt mean it the way it came out. i was merely trying to point out the
difference between a 'ladder' type of learning/evolution we are familar with
in SO thinking and an all-space-filling expansion of Quality ripples that is
symbolic to MOQ think, at least from my PoV anyway.

for example, lets say i dreamed your 5th level is formally added to the MOQ
by vote of TLS. what happens to the ties that bind SOM to the MOQ? the
subjective nature of the social and intellect layers, coupled with the
inorganic and biological layers as objects? how do we classify the 5th
level? outside of SOM completely? but doesnt that create a platypus? just
what we are hoping to avoid with the MOQ. we would fall right back into SO
thinking with that path.

that is one concern i have in extending the MOQ in any fashion. another
concern is the underlying way the MOQ should work if it is a proper
metaphysics capable of 'taking over' for SO thinking. the MOQ must account
for everything, and by saying we can arbitrarily add a layer here and a
layer there is completely discounting the entire underlying complete beauty
of the MOQ. its SO thinking! can there be any doubt about that?

like i said, i dont know squat about a computer virus and i am not about to
get into an arguement about whether or not its alive. especially with
someone who collects them! :) i have enough trouble deciding if i am really
alive! seriously. i still think, however, that the computer virus is only
alive if you consider electricity to be alive, which it may well be. its the
Dynamic Quality that gives rise to that life and not a new evolving level of
the MOQ.

best wishes,


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