LS Re: Intellect's job.

Troy Becker (
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 16:27:27 +0100

On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Magnus Berg wrote:

> Is it always moral to intellectually fight or deny emotions such
> as love?

i'm inclined to view emotions as mostly intellectually valuable. i think
of emotion (and reason, incidentally) as "complex" thinking. while some
basic emotions seem to be biological impulses (fear, for example), when i
am overtaken with emotions it is clearly more complex than animalistic
response. when i "go on feelings" (even when i go on the feeling that
*reason* is most appropriate) i am going on years of human experience and
thought. even as a child, when i loved something, it was more than just a
social pattern of value.

i realize that i did not expand this argument to its fullest. also, i
made several sub-points that are not at all traditional. we'll see how it

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