Re: MD Access to Quality

From: Erin (
Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 - 14:36:11 BST

  • Next message: ian glendinning: "Re: MD Access to Quality"

    IAN: Anywhere where physics does not currently have accepted explanations,
    are simply "gaps in knowledge".

     IAN: For example,
    I do in fact believe that intelligence and consciousness beyond the
    confines of individual brains (or minds) will turn out to be real -
    explainable by physics.

    IAN: The difference between my "faith" in physics and a religious "faith"
    in a divine (causal) being / intelligence, lies in the nature of
    explanation it provides.

    ERIN: It is like you are saying that the consciousness is not real because science has not explained it yet. You believe they will explain it one day but this belief is not faith in science because of its good explantion which is errrr "a gap in knowledge"

    IAN: So, no I do not recognise any limits to science (physics) whatsoever.
    (Good science, high-quality science that is, not just any old

    ERIN: what do you mean by good science?

    IAN: the "two realms" was not something I wanted to introduce. I was
    simply referring to the fact that Scott was (seemed to be) dividing
    the real world into areas where science was "valid" and areas where
    religion / aesthetics et al were applicable, and by implication,
    science not.

    IAN: The whole world is "the real world".
    Physics (by axiomatic definition of the word) describes the real
    world. All of it.
    Anywhere where physics does not currently have accepted explanations,
    are simply "gaps in knowledge".

    ERIN: You are introducing two realms. The real world (explainable by physics) and the "gaps in knowledge". You "unite" the two realms by an assumption ---------that if physics is really good at explaining a lower levels e.g. inorganic level they will some day be good at explaining a higher level and when they do then we can call them part of the real world until then they are "gaps in knowledge".

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