RE: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Jul 10 2004 - 20:46:04 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"

    Arlo, msh and all:

    arlo to platt:
    I had enjoyed this conversation, but it is becoming clear to me that
    you don't even read what I write!

    msh replied:
    I thought about warning you, Arlo. ;-) Anyway, now you know. Just
    think of him as the comic book villain of the MOQ, and don't despair;
    there are plenty of people on this list who DO read and think about
    what you say. Keep it up.

    dmb adds:
    Yea, we should have warned you, Arlo. Platt is entirely imprevious to facts
    or logic. Its not that he fails to read what you write, it only SEEMS that
    way. Even when he's presented with contrary ideas from the guy who literally
    wrote the book on the MOQ, Platt remains a Randian dittohead. Apparently,
    there is nothing you or anyone else can say that will change that - not even
    if Pirsig says it. For example...

    Pirsig says in LILA (Chapter 17):
    "The conservatives [i.e. read capitalists] who keep trumpeting about the
    virtues of free enterprise are normally just supporting their own
    self-interest. They are just doing the usual cover-up for the rich in their
    age-old exploitation of the poor.

    To which Platt responds:
    That's right out of Marx. I'm surprised Pirsig fell for that old line.
    But, he more than makes up for it by pronouncing free enterprise morally
    superior to socialism.

    Even though Pirsig also says:
    "From a static point of view socialism is more moral than capitalism. Its a
    higher form of evolution. It is an intellectually guided society, not just a
    society based on mindless traditions."

    AND (Pirsig's emphasis)

    "It is not that Victorian social economic patterns are more moral than
    socialist intellectual economic patterns. Quite the opposite. They are LESS
    moral as static patterns go."

    dmb concludes:
    So what's my point? Don't be discouraged. Platt SEEMS to have NOT read
    everything he's read. But others are not only reading and comprehending, but
    also enjoying what you write.


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