Re: MD A little bit of Logic

From: ml (
Date: Mon Oct 04 2004 - 14:03:15 BST

  • Next message: Joseph Maurer: "Re: MD MOQ DQ SQ Awareness"

    Hello Marsha,

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "MarshaV" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 4:35 AM
    Subject: MD A little bit of Logic

    > So,what to do? I signed up for an undergraduate class: Symbolic Logic and
    > Formal Reasoning. (I had already taken a few philosophy classes.) The
    > class was great, and I went on to read a number of different books on
    > reason, thinking and even the 'scientific method'. It was all absolutely
    > fascinating, but there were also some flaws.
    > I began listening to people, educated and uneducated. My experience was
    > that very few people in their normal lives, both home and
    > social/professional, both male and female, use 'formal logic'. The case
    > that most people (male or female) use to present their perspective
    > lots of stuff other than logic.

    So true...sometimes appropriately, though.

    > There is lots of LOGIC used on this elist. It's all extremely
    > interesting. But if it's not a tool that humanity really uses, how does
    > any of this apply to 'living a life'??? I doubt that most people (West)
    > ever have considered making life choices based on Quality. (Maybe
    > tries to guide them, but....) If you're not looking to disseminate a
    > useful philosophy, what are you trying to do?

    Originally, looking to 'road test' some notions for
    something I was/am writing. Figured to find some
    well versed MoQ brains on the list...
    Now, developmental thought towards a deeper

    > Where are the women? If there are no women on this list, is it because
    > they have not felt invited? Have you been intimidating? Do you really
    > think their voice is not valuable? Do you think they do not seek quality,
    > or Quality? Do you think Quality would exclude the
    > feminine/Feminine? Where are the women on this list?

    With Gigapeople on earth the membership
    of this list is merely dozen-ish (1 or 2, 3?), so
    there are not that many who feel the need to
    be here in the first place and few that I've
    encountered outside who 'get' MoQ, even
    having read ZMM/Lila.

    I know 2 women who appreciate Pirsig, but
    both are too busy to engage...teachers.

    But a more diverse discussion may be a
    more interesting/informative one.


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