Re: MD On Faith

From: Richard Loggins (
Date: Thu Oct 07 2004 - 01:14:29 BST

  • Next message: Richard Loggins: "RE: MD On Faith"

    Hello Platt,

    you said-
    > To defend their faith, science-loving SOM types
    > mock, demonize and
    > marginalize competing views, using highly emotive
    > language and implying
    > that all "intelligent" people must agree with them.
    > We have witnessed such on this site.

    We have? I don't doubt you but I have been here well
    over a year, read each post pretty carefuly, and I
    haven't seen anybody act like this. I think anyone who
    did though, whould be pretty foolish, and knocked down
    to size soon enough. I remember one guy (Pi?) now come
    to think of it, and he didn't last long. It's always
    wise to know thine enemy. Point me in the right
    direction!! Take care, Platt. You are one of my
    favorite reads here, a treasure, always showing an
    ernest contrary opinioin to others and sticking up for
    your quality stance.

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