Re: MD On Faith

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Oct 15 2004 - 13:40:32 BST

  • Next message: Jim Ledbury: "Re: MD On Faith - Improbability ?"

    Hi Horse,

    You wrote:
    > I am saying here that what I think will eventually change is the dominance
    > of Materialism in Science, not that that Science will eventually explain
    > phenomena beyond the merely physical. It might do but to say that would be
    > faith, as you correctly point out. Once the dominance of Materialism fades,
    > as it hopefully will, Science will need to look elsewhere for it's
    > metaphysical underpinning. If any new foundation doesn't include an
    > acceptance of Value (preferably in the MOQ sense) then Science will
    > probably remain stuck at the physical level.

    Well said! My way of expressing it is that the dominance of materialism in
    science is a matter of faith and needs to be changed to a faith in values
    as the underpinning for explaining observational phenomena. Quantum
    particles appear and disappear seemingly at random because they value that
    sort of behavior for reasons of their own.


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