Re: MD Question of the Ages

From: David Morey (
Date: Sun Oct 17 2004 - 14:00:20 BST

  • Next message: Jim Ledbury: "Re: MD On Faith - Improbability ?"


    The manipulation of women (& others & resources) has lead love and selflessness to
    be used by partial and egotisitical interest. Therefore the hope is that
    the world could be based on what is good, at the moment what is bad
    depends and relies on the underlying reality of what is good. Women
    need to improve their awareness so that they can stop supporting
    partial interest and take power so that we place the genuine whole first,
    to date all such claims to represent the whole have been lies, maybe
    we need to be present rather than represented? Women, step forward!


      ----- Original Message -----
      From: MarshaV
      Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 10:10 PM
      Subject: RE: MD Question of the Ages

      Hi Chuck,

      I shared the tale of the green knight. I didn't write it. And I cannot speak for all women. I only have my own perspective built by my own experiences.

      You asked why women cannot just state what they want. That is a very complicated question. I'll speak for me only. I was not taught or encouraged to speak my mind, so I still find it difficult to formulate the words. When I was young, if I asked for what I wanted, I was often told I was being selfish. Or I heard some other remark stated to control my voice and behavior. I already told the story of how my husband called me illogical to stifle my debate. This culture has many ways of controlling woman. And they work quite well to destroy their authentic voice. After a while, you can't even remember what it is you actually do want. That can certainly turn you into something ugly and gross. If not overtly, than covertly.



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