RE: MD Christopher Reeve

From: Chuck Roghair (
Date: Mon Oct 18 2004 - 17:17:44 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD is god real?"

    I think in Christopher Reeve's case, the patterns his body imposed on him
    are the "biological chains" to which Pirsig refers.



    From: []
    On Behalf Of
    Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 7:44 AM
    Subject: MD Christopher Reeve


    As we mourn the passing of Christopher Reeve, perhaps the situation he
    endured is one that should be considered by us. His Biological Quality was
    almost completely taken from him 10 years ago. Loss of freedom, indeed.
    Pirsig writes, in a passage I'm not sure how I feel about, that no chains
    are as horrible as our biological ones. Christopher Reeve probably would not
    have agreed. He wanted those chains back, in a sense. Take away our bodies
    or take away our societies, and many of us would spend the rest of our lives
    trying to get them back. Does refusal to give up movement--make one
    "conservative"? Or refusal to give up the things that makes societies
    strong? Pride in your body, pride in your country. Quality.


    Chris Reeve refused to submit to the patterns his body and society
    overwhelmingly imposed upon him. He was a rebel until the end, and he was a



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