Re: MD On Faith

From: Charles Roghair (
Date: Tue Oct 26 2004 - 05:27:40 BST

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD On Faith"


    The KKK is an institution.

    NAMBLA is an institution.

    Do we need them?

    I don't mean to be flip, but you see my point, right?

    An institution by sheer virtue of existence isn't moral justification
    enough, social level denizen though it may be.

    Best regards,


    On Oct 25, 2004, at 8:22 PM, ml wrote:

    > Hello Chuck,
    > Mark said:
    >> "ANY religion is different on those two hands.
    >> Silly, silly social teachings become embedded in formal religious
    >> structures. Any true or deep practitioner reaches a point where they
    >> pass
    >> beyond the social formalism and into a place where they learn to bite
    > their
    >> tongue and not roll their eyes at their own tradition.
    >> Much as I have fun slapping social formalism I would be remiss to not
    > point
    >> beyond."
    >> To which Chuck responds:
    >> Why do you need the institution?
    >> By qualifying yourself as a member, aren't you endorsing the social
    >> formalism and tradition and "silly, silly social teachings?"
    >> Is it possible to be simultaneously beyond an institution and
    >> embedded in
    >> said institution?
    >> All that tongue-biting and eye-rolling must get a little tiresome.
    > mel:
    > Sorry I wasn't clearer...I was talking about ANY
    > religion. Not a personalized endorsement,
    > just an observation to counter the equivocation.
    > The institution arises, an accomplished fact, and
    > it is shooting fish in a barrel to whack it, but that
    > is missing the point. The point is that the internal
    > experience is literally an unbounded potential. It
    > may be, in any tradition, not incompatible with MoQ.
    > As to tongue lack of suffering such
    > restraint should be obvious...
    > As to your question of "Why do you need the
    > institution", well institutions are social, and I
    > heard of an obscure metaphysic that
    > indicates the social evolves as part of levels
    > of evolution... ;-)
    > thanks--mel
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