Re: MD Is Morality Relative?

From: Erin (
Date: Sun Dec 05 2004 - 20:43:41 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Is Morality Relative?"

    Platt Holden <> wrote:
    You've provided an excellent analysis of the absolutism vs. relativism
    debate. I find nothing to disagree with. I especially like the move that
    avoids the charge of absolutes in Pirsig's metaphysics (of which there are
    many) by saying his theory should be taken as provisional. Of course,
    asserting that it's good to view theories as provisional is itself an
    absolute, unless that assertion too is provisional, ad infinitum.

    ERIN: LOL If a paragraph ever had a Platt essence this would be it. So are you saying that his theory should be taken as provisional or not. It seems like you are saying it should but with your fingers crossed. Saying something (so as not to be charged????????) but not really believing it, is that being flaky or just a liar? What is the heck "charge of the absolutes" , is there an absolute police or something---if you believe there are absolutes please list them. If you believe the MOQ should not be taken as provisional say so.


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