Re: Ham; Re: MD Is Morality Relative?

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Thu Dec 09 2004 - 21:43:41 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: Ham; Re: MD Is Morality Relative?"

    Hi Dan.

    Your comments sound plenty smart to me. And remember, we can be
    going around in circles... but rising...

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
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    "Thought is only a flash between two long nights, but this flash is 
    everything."  -- Henri Poincare'
    On 9 Dec 2004 at 11:07, wrote:
    As I have greatly enjoyed these postings and, more to the point, 
    learning so many things from all of you "highly intellectual" people 
    (and I'll use that term loosely!!! - HA!)) I do feel that the topic 
    should progress.
    Then again, thinking about what everyone has posted makes me come 
    back to one big circle on a different plane, if that makes any sense. 
    When you stated that the same topics are rehashed over and over I 
    find that the reason they are rehashed is because there's never a 
    solidified answer! 
    Before reading ZMM I could have cared less about philosophy. Now, 
    it's changed my life. But I am constantly driven to "get" an answer 
    and there never seems to be. The more you think you have the answer a 
    little question pops into your head that creates 1,000 new 
    questions!!! It is literally quite maddening at times. Scary almost.
    Anyway, I am not an intellectual, as I have stated on a post or 
    two before. (maybe someday!!!) But I will throw an answer to your 
    questions out in my "simple-minded terms". 
    1) A higher quality of life - shouldn't that be finding that DQ in 
    everything we do? For example, I have discovered that my Catholic 
    faith has dissipated and my "God" is now a "warm summer day on a 
    motorcycle". NOT a motorcycle itself, but the ride and what it does 
    for my mind. So, the "ride" is actually a static pattern but what the 
    ride produces (happy, confident good-feeling thoughts) is the DQ. Am 
    I right about this?
    2) Living as an example for others - are we supposed to do this? I 
    mean, isn't it the individual who finds someone else to be labeled as 
    a "Good example"? For them?
    3) High Quality action that moves our society into a Quality 
    direction...I feel that, whether you think capitalism, communism, 
    ...ism, it's almost useless. "Our" society (USA) is, if anything, a 
    "selfish" society. We preach religion and morals yet we (majority?) 
    live to make more money and have more things. I think the USA hides 
    behind the premise that we are the most giving nation. Maybe that's 
    true, financially. But, as discussed above, my Christian faith began 
    to dissolve when a perfectly ample church "had to have" a $1 million 
    revamp because during the Christmas masses there were too many people 
    to fit in the church, thus they had to share masses in the school 
    gym. Doesn't the bible talk of Jesus having masses in a cave? 
    Point being - I don't believe that our society is moving in a 
    quality direction, that if you mean it as helping your fellow man. 
    There are too many wants as opposed to needs. Top that off with our 
    constant "We'll tell you what's better for you" attitude, along with 
    the all too present "Keeping up with the Jones'" view we can only 
    find Quality in material objects.
    Your thoughts?
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