Re: MD Re: Is Morality relative?

From: Horse (
Date: Sun Dec 19 2004 - 17:49:06 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Is the MoQ still in the Kantosphere?"

    Hi Platt

    It seems that you missed off a part of my post in your haste to declare all things

    On 15 Dec 2004 at 7:47, Platt Holden wrote:

    > Hi Horse,
    > > . . .in order to state
    > > that something is absolute one needs absolute knowledge.
    > Is this not an absolute truth?

    No, it's a necessary condition.

    Prior to the above I said:

    "... my take on absolutes in general is that there may be some absolutes that exist,
    which are either defined as such or are trivial, but otherwise ..."

    So it's not absolutely necessary given this context.

    > > If something is
    > > absolute then it is so in all possible worlds and at all times.
    > Another absolute truth?

    A definition. Absolute is defined as such.

    > > Given that
    > > humans do not have this knowledge making such statements is pontless and
    > > without meaning.
    > So it's an absolute truth that making absolute statements is pointless and
    > without meaning?

    Is it? Perhaps you could explain how this is so.

    > > I suppose Platt will say that this is an absolute
    > > statement but, given the above, this would be incorrect.
    > Run that by mean again. I see two absolute premises and an absolute
    > conclusion.

    I see one definition and an incorrect conclusion.

    > Pray, what am I missing?


    > But more importantly, at this time of year it's well to count one's
    > blessings and give thanks to those who have been special friends
    > throughout the year. Thus, to you for your dedication to making this site
    > available to me and all contributors the MD, my heartfelt thanks and best
    > wishes for a joyful holiday season.

    Thanks Platt. It's been a generally good year for MD (with the odd hiccup here and
    there) with some really enjoyable and worthwhile contributions from all involved.


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