Re: MD Mysticism or Cosmic Debris?

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Mon Dec 20 2004 - 09:52:44 GMT

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Understanding Quality And Power"

    Hi MSH,

    You're really a very naughty boy so you should prepare for the reapplication of the patented Norton
    8 prong.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Mark Steven Heyman" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, December 19, 2004 8:11 PM
    Subject: RE: MD Mysticism or Cosmic Debris?

    > Hi dmb and Sam,
    > Well I'm relieved that you didn't take me too seriously. I think we
    > need to invent an emoticon for deliberately incendiary speech. As I
    > said to Sam, I'm just causing trouble. I could have left out the DMB
    > and Sam references, I suppose, and would have if I'd thought you guys
    > would be at all insulted. I was just trying to add a little personal
    > poke. I'm well aware that neither of your positions are anywhere
    > near as simpleminded as I suggest. Sorry I didn't make my teasing
    > tone a little clearer.
    > I did get some great responses from both of you, and from others, so
    > maybe all was not for nought. :-)
    > Best,
    > Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    > --
    > InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
    > Custom Software Solutions for Windows, PDAs, and the Web Since 1983
    > Web Site:
    > "The shadows that a swinging lamp will throw,
    > We come from nowhere and to nothing go."
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