RE: MD Understanding Quality And Power

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Tue Dec 21 2004 - 02:17:10 GMT

  • Next message: Phaedrus Wolff: "Re: MD The MOQ and Mysticism 101"

    Hi Keith, (Sam, DMB, et al)

    Keith, thanks for contributing to this thread. Here's your post:

    * * * * * BEGIN KEITH * * * * * *
    Mark, Sam,

    Thank you for many months of entertainment and thought provocation.

    I have a small thought experiment as a contribution:

    Imagine a person who lives in a street with two unpleasant
    neighbours. He suspects that both neighbours are beating their wives.
    One of the neighbours is a bit of a weed in comparison to our
    hypothetical hero. the other is more like his size, and has a couple
    of brothers who look equally unpleasant. Is our 'hero' immoral when
    he tackles the weedy neighbour, but quietly ignores the behaviour of
    the other one?

    I can't get into the debate, as I'm a dedicated lurker, and I can't
    have this email address show up on the forum, but I just didn't want
    MSH to get away with:

    "The Norton 8-P has two obvious flaws, neither of which you have
    directly addressed. The first is that the argument is based on the
    combined ideas that the Iraqi people were suffering under Hussein,
    and that International Law was failing to protect them. I believe we
    had agreed that people suffering under a brutal dictator can't be the
    motivation for the US-UK invasion, given the evidence of history."

    Don't get me wrong, I favour MSH's side of the argument.
    I just want him to win in a fair fight, not with sand in the eyes.

    Kind regards,

    * * * * * END KEITH * * * * * *

    * * * * * BEGIN MSH * * * * *
    Imagine a person who lives in a street with two unpleasant
    neighbours. He suspects that both neighbours are beating their wives.
    One of the neighbours is a bit of a weed in comparison to our
    hypothetical hero. the other is more like his size, and has a couple
    of brothers who look equally unpleasant. Is our 'hero' immoral when
    he tackles the weedy neighbour, but quietly ignores the behaviour of
    the other one?

    msh says:
    Not at all. In this case the hero is doing what he can to alleviate
    some misery; his motive is honest, and he is acting morally. Of
    course, I'm assuming he's right about the beatings, and that by
    "tackles" you mean confronts, intervenes, or otherwise acts legally
    in preventing the beatings. Also, I think one could argue that
    quietly ignoring the other neighbor's spousal abuse is immoral. But
    let's just say, in that case, he's at least reported his suspicions
    to the proper authorities.

    But I think your analogy doesn't fit the facts pertaining to the case
    of the US invasion of Iraq, so I don't see how it might be used to
    counter my attack on the N8-P. Here's what I said:

    "The Norton 8-P has two obvious flaws, neither of which you have
    directly addressed. The first is that the argument is based on the
    combined ideas that the Iraqi people were suffering under Hussein,
    and that International Law was failing to protect them. I believe we
    had agreed that people suffering under a brutal dictator can't be the
    motivation for the US-UK invasion, given the evidence of history."

    My point here is that the USG has many times supported (and continues
    to support) the activities of brutal dictators, as long as the brutal
    dictators serve the furtherance of American foreign policy. So,
    clearly, the USG didn't invade Iraq because Hussein was a brutal
    dictator; and to say that Hussein's brutality was the reason for the
    attack, that the USG just couldn't bare the fact that all those
    innocent Iraqis were suffering under Hussein's rule, is both
    dishonest and immoral.

    So, in terms of your thought experiment, what we have is a person
    who knows that both neighbors are beating their wives, but one of
    the neighbors keeps an eye on his house while he is away and sends
    over a case of Scotch every once in a while, so THAT neighbor's wife-
    beating is ignored. The other neighbor has a coveted big backyard
    and nice swingset, so our hero loudly protests all wife-beaters, even
    reports his swingset-owning wife-beating neighbor to the police (for
    wife-beating not swingset-owning). After 10 minutes (analogy time)
    the police have done nothing, so our hero kills almost everyone in
    the neighborhood but captures his swingset neighbor and locks him in
    his (the neighbor's) basement. Your hero then plants himself in his
    neighbor's easy chair, sends his kids to play on the newly conquered
    swingset, allows the neighbor's wife and children to bring him
    lemonade and cookies on demand, for minimum wage, and drills for oil
    in the backyard.

    Now we can ask, is our hero immoral?

    Again, thanks. I hope you can find a way to contribute more often,
    as I'd like to know your reaction to my ideas here, and elsewhere.

    Best to all,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)
    InfoPro Consulting - The Professional Information Processors
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