RE: MD Making sense of it (levels)

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 15:17:35 GMT

  • Next message: Matt the Enraged Endorphin: "RE: MD Making sense of it (levels)"


    > Matt:
    > Indeed, the above summation of Descartes' project is pretty good. It is
    > something I think Pirsig is quite ambivalent about following in.
    > Regardless, though, the pragmatist line I've been developing doesn't say
    > that their are no footholds. It says that the only footholds we have are
    > our contingent pasts, our current context, our current static patterns. We
    > are not floating free in space, we are climbing up ladders and then
    > discarding them when we don't need them anymore, we are jumping from island
    > to island, we are trying to find that next static latch.

    At the risk of covering old ground, could you tell us again what's at the
    top of the ladders you keep climbing and discarding, what's on the
    islands you jump on and off of, why you keep changing and how you
    determine when one ladder or island is "better" than another? If
    "practicality" is the answer, who decides that ladder 1 is more practical
    than ladder 2 (or island) and how many must agree? Lastly, do you view
    the pragmatist line as providing a temporary foothold on a static pattern
    ladder that will eventually be discarded?

    Thanks for bearing with me, Matt


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