MD Disappointed

From: Jonathan B. Marder (
Date: Wed Feb 05 2003 - 11:28:00 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Disappointed"

    Dear Horse,

    I am extremely grateful for all the work you do to hold the MoQ site and
    discussion groups together.
    I also recognise that you are exposed to an unfair share of abuse, and
    can only imagine the discomfort this must cause.

    However, I am disappointed in the way you have chosen to handle Glenn
    and Struan's criticism.
    I appeal to you - PLEASE RISE ABOVE IT.
    I ask you to please not unsubscribe Glenn, and please revoke your
    previous decision to expel Struan.
    I don't think that censoring them is in any way constructive.

    If you let both Glenn and Struan keep contributing, you will probably
    expose yourself to more childish abuse, but you will surely gain in
    terms of respect and support from the membership, myself included.

    Respectfully yours,


    -----Original Message-----
    [] On Behalf Of Horse
    Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 10:11 AM
    Subject: Re: MD Supporting the Statement

    Struan and Glenn

    As you seem to be more interested in 'giving me a taste of my own
    medicine' than
    contributing to any discussions about the MoQ please do not contribute
    to the
    moq_discuss list further in any way shape or form.
    Glenn, I am unsubscribing you, Please do not attempt to resubscribe as
    yourself or with
    any other name or attempt to contact the list through another member.
    Struan, Please do not attempt to resubscribe as yourself or with any
    other name or
    attempt to contact the moq_discuss list through another member.

    Thanks for your time folks


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