Re: MD NAZIs and Pragmatism

From: Joao (
Date: Sun Feb 09 2003 - 23:50:34 GMT

  • Next message: André: "RE: MD Wavelegth reality | Reiki |"

    > Matt said:
    > in a single pattern of beliefs that we might call a "person," they might
    > have one
    > woven pattern that answers questions about reality and about justice.
    > suggests that for practical purposes, we keep patterns about reality and
    > patterns about justice separate.
    > Joao said:
    > I guess Pirsig wouldn't agree with that. The separations that make sense
    > between different individuals' or social groups' visions. Not between
    > concepts like reality and justice in a single individual. Individual
    > intellectual patterns arise from different social level experience. They
    > inherently separated. But reality and justice are concepts that any
    > individual possesses. Its up to each one to keep them separated or to
    > integrate them holistically. Zen masters prefer the holistic aproach.
    > Western scientists prefer the separated views.
    > Matt:
    > I think you are right here. I think Pirsig is in the business of holding
    > reality and justice in a single vision.
    > To punch up why I follow Rorty in suggesting that, as a practical
    > consideration, we keep reality and justice separate when doing politics,
    > Zen masters and Nazis prefer the holistic approach and Western scientists
    > and citizens of democratic states prefer to seperate them.
    > Matt

    Now that is what I call a hollow statement.

    Have fun

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