Re: MD Making sense of it (levels)

From: johnny moral (
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 19:35:14 GMT

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD Making sense of it (levels)"

    Platt said to me:
    >do-gooders are always suspicious characters in my book.

    Do-gooders to me are people who have torn apart "should". People who think
    there is a difference between what we ought to do, and what we probably will
    do if just left to ourselves. Now, that doesn't mean I think things should
    never change, but there are static patterns that overlay other static
    patterns and change them "within the Tao" as CS Lewis says. There are
    mechanisms for change that are in themselves expected patterns.

    Pirsig says that the social level comes down to the policeman preventing
    biological crimes. But I don't think that is exactly right. I think the
    idea that society needs police to enforce laws is an intellectual idea,
    because it is obviously about society. Someone had to think on a slightly
    larger scale before anyone became a policeman, looking both further into the
    future and further down the street. Vigilantism on the other hand is social
    idea, it is done on a person to person scale, right here and right now.
    Pirsig puts murder in the biolgical, but I see murder, along with deciding
    not to murder someone, as social. 'Thou Shalt Not Kill' is intellectual, as
    it is about society (and note that it only DESCRIBES an existing propensity
    to not murder). The hunger that drives a murderer is biological, but not
    the murder itself.

    Now, by saying social is person-to-person patterns, I would seem to be
    putting sex into the social level, when reproduction is clearly biological.
    But individuals are really only half-human, as we each represent only half
    of our sexual species, and a man-woman pairing is really the smallest single
    unit of humanity. So understood that way, sex becomes not a
    person-to-person pattern, but a pattern that takes place in one unit of
    humanity and therefore stays in the biological realm. An individual doesn't
    reproduce, after all, a man-woman unit does, creating children that are half
    father and half mother.


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