MD Meditation/prayer

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 11:01:52 BST

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    Hi Dan,

    This is a response to your "If you care to share, I would be interested in
    knowing how prayer and meditation are different for you."

    Firstly - I'm not an expert at either; I've got just far enough to know how
    little I know. Secondly, I would want to emphasise that, as I understand it,
    the two overlap and are strongly compatible (ie I see the Buddhist state of
    'non-attachment' as the equivalent of Christian 'apatheia').

    Having said that, two images, then a more philosophical summary. I haven't
    thrashed this out systematically before, so I'd be interested in any
    comments you might have.

    Meditation: a glass of muddy water allowed to settle, so that the water
    Prayer: a decision to go sunbathing, so various actions taken in order to
    expose yourself to the Sun.

    In other words, I understand meditation as something autonomous, whereas I
    understand prayer as other-directed. I don't think prayer can be understood
    apart from a faith tradition, ie it involves worship and praise.

    What do you think?


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