Re: MD Undeniable Facts

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2003 - 22:49:51 BST

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: MD Philosophy and Theology"


    Johnny said:
    Are you saying, and/or does Matt agree, that there is no DQ, or just
    disavowing that any of us can see it in it's primary context? Can we come
    close to seeing it in a pure sense, or is any context as perverted from
    objectivity seeing DQ as any other?

    I'd like to say first that I like your formulation in the second
    post. These two questions I see as confused for a pragmatist to say, so I
    wouldn't say them. I would say that there is DQ. I have no qualms about
    that. However, I would not say that none of us can see it in it's primary
    context because I think that implies that there is a primary context,
    committing yourself to what Derrida calls "logocentrism." So, I would say
    that we can't see DQ in its primary context because there is no primary
    context. Saying that we can't see DQ in its primary context raises the
    question of mediated experience, a question pragmatists bypass.

    Nor would I say, "is any context as perverted from objectivity seeing DQ as
    any other?" because I don't see objectivity as an ahistorical goal. I read
    objectivity as intersubjectivity, meaning that the more uncontroversial
    people's agreement on a subject, the more we are wont to call it
    objective. That means that contexts don't pervert objectivity, they are
    where objectivity happens.

    Johnny said:
    In my view, anything to be said or seen about DQ or called DQ is said from
    a context of SQ, to the point that there is no DQ apart from SQ.

    I can agree with this formulation. As I see it, DQ extends off the end of
    SQ, pushes the boundaries of SQ, which is just another way of saying,
    "there is no DQ apart from SQ."


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