Re: MD the quality of eliminating taxes

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sat Apr 26 2003 - 14:22:09 BST

  • Next message: Steve Peterson: "Re: MD awareness hierarchy?"

    Dear Wim:

    Do we want to go down the left vs. right road again? Seems to me we
    covered the ground thoroughly awhile back when Roger was posting on
    a regular basis. Anyway, this site is supposed to focus on the MOQ,
    and other than Pirsig's explanation of why free markets are better than
    socialism (more open to DQ), the amount of political references in Lila
    are minimal. This is not to say that anyone should be precluded from
    voicing their political opinions. It's just that there are many other web
    sites where a political debate might be more appropriate. I admit to
    throwing in a conservative shot or two when perhaps it would be wiser to
    keep my mouth shut, like when I said I was for "eliminating taxes." In
    doing so, I didn't mean to start "swishing old tea around."

    That you and I disagree on the proper role of government, including
    thoughts of a world government, has been obvious from many prior
    posts. We know each other's positions well. So there's little to be
    gained from further debate IMO.

    What do you think?


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