Re: MD What is a living being?

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Sat Apr 26 2003 - 18:55:55 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD What is a living being?"

    Hi Platt

    Pirsig writes:

    Lila is a cohesion of changing static patterns of
    Quality. There isn’t any more to her than that. Ch 11

    Static patterns can’t by themselves perceive or adjust
    to Dynamic Quality. Only a living being can do that.
    Ch 13

    So the point is: If you add the statements together,
    Lila is no more than a cohesion of static patterns of
    Quality, therefore Lila can't perceive or adjust to
    Dynamic Quality.

    Therefore, if living beings can perceive or adjust to
    Dynamic Quality they must be more than a cohesion of
    static patterns of Quality, which Pirsig states that
    Lila (a living being) isn't.

    Your answer is to say:

    '> Lila is a living being composed of static patterns
    > of value with the ability
    > to respond to DQ.'

    Where does 'the ability to respond to DQ' come from?
    Pirsig clearly states that Static patterns of Quality
    don't have that ability 'by themselves'.
    > I have no idea where you got a) and b). Are they
    > statements or
    > conclusions?

    Conclusions from Pirsig's statements.
    > What am I missing?

    What I've described above.

    I'm not trying to find holes in the MoQ, I just don't
    see where 'living beings' (if no more than static
    patterns of Quality) get the ability to respond to DQ
    from (within the MoQ framework) when it is made clear
    that SPOQ don't have that ability. Are they a special
    category of static patterns? Do some SPOQ have the
    ability to respond, contrary to Pirsig? It seems that
    you have to add your own solution, for an interesting
    example, see Wim's response to this post.


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