Re: MD The Transformation of Love

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Tue Jul 01 2003 - 16:12:54 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD The Intellectual Level"

    Hi Sam,

    Regarding the difference between levels 3 and 4 you asked:

    > I think your position makes some sense out of the tensions in the standard
    > account, but doesn't it erode the 'discrete' nature of levels 3 and 4?

    I think the discrete nature of levels 3 and 4 comes from how one tests
    one's knowledge and/or behavior. You know you're in the social level when
    your test is, "Does society approve?" You know you're in the intellectual
    level when your test is, "Do I approve based on my experience, logical
    consistency and economy of explanation."

    This works for me now, but as the discussion continues I may well change
    my mind. There's a lot of excellent brainpower at work now in the
    Intellectual Level thread. :-)


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