Re: MD Lila's Child

Date: Fri Aug 08 2003 - 22:28:57 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Intellectually Nowhere"

    Hi Squonk, Paul, All:

    I know what you mean, Squonk, and I appreciate very much your giving us
    examples so your meaning becomes even clearer. I too have had a teacher
    or two in my dim past who could, on the fly, fill a classroom with
    wonder and awe by her ability to tie together a whole bunch of
    disparate ideas into a symphony of new understanding. A rare performing
    artist, for sure. But, I'm still stuck on this coming out of the
    intellectual level which I see as been filled mostly, as Pirsig says,
    with static ideas. I also want to remind you that some artists take the
    opposite course in the act of creation of the one you describe as
    intuiting the whole before execution. Many painters, jazz musicians and
    improv comedians do the opposite. The build on what they see or hear
    happening, intuiting as they go along.

    What I'm trying to describe is the creative PROCESS and to me the
    intellectual LEVEL doesn't contain the catalyst, the energy if you
    will, that's needed to create new harmonies. Sure, intellect is related
    to DQ as are all the levels, but only secondarily. As Pirsig put it:
    "In the MOQ Quality comes first which produces ideas which produce what
    we know has matter." (Note 67, Lila's Child) To me, intellect is the
    "home" for static intellectual patterns or "repertoire." To put it in
    musical terms, the intellectual level contains the notes, the chords,
    the tempos, the keys, the progressions and all the other musical
    paraphernalia which an experiencing human being, responding to DQ,
    combines into a creative composition. But the actual act of combining
    is beyond the intellectual level. It's ahead of all levels. It's at the
    front of the train. It's more a part of pure experiencing than
    intellectualizing if you know what I mean. It's in the realm of
    aesthetics, wherever that is.

    Maybe I'm being too picky, Squonk. But you, I, Paul and I'm sure others
    are circling around the flame that's at the heart of the MOQ. I've been
    convinced for a long time that the fuel for that flame emanates from
    the realm of beauty and that DQ is the spark that lights it for us.
    But, like everyone else who attempts it, I find it terribly hard to
    pattern it intellectually, i.e., to put it into words. I need all the
    help I can get and appreciate those who feel as I do more than I can


    Hello Platt,
    I totally sympathise with your frustration. But have cheer! Things are
    You have been struggling with the process, as have i. And the answer may be
    at that cutting edge you recognise?

    More soon...

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