Re: MD liberals, conservatives & suffering

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Sun Aug 24 2003 - 14:08:27 BST

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    Dear David B.,

    As I already wrote 25 Jun 2003 23:33:14 +0200 in my version of the MoQ
    patterns of value of different levels cannot conflict, because the levels
    are discrete. Only patterns of value belonging to the same level can.

    Intellectual patterns of value however consist of symbols that stand for
    patterns of experience of all levels. So intellectual patterns of value that
    stand for intellectual patterns of value can conflict with intellectual
    patterns of value that stand for social patterns of value (which in their
    turn can conflict with intellectual patterns of value that stand for
    biological patterns of value etc.). It is not the levels themselves (or the
    patterns of value of different levels) that conflict with each other, but
    their reflections on the intellectual level.

    So I would amend what you wrote 23 Aug 2003 16:14:11 -0600 into:
    'My version of the MoQ asserts that the political conflicts of our time, and
    for the last century or so, are actually a manifestation of the conflict
    between the reflections on the intellectual level of social and intellectual
    patterns of value.'
    One could add: and the reflection on the intellectual level of biological
    patterns of value (confused with Dynamic Quality by the Hippies, as Pirsig
    describes in chapter 24 of 'Lila').

    With that modification most of what you wrote 23 August holds up, I think.
    It may even be the best way to distinguish liberals (adhering to
    intellectual patterns of value that stand for or defend intellectual
    patterns of value) and conservatives (adhering to intellectual patterns of
    value that stand for or defend social patterns of value).

    Did you read how Wilber assessed Bush and Gore in the interview that can be
    found on,6587424/yid,88470
    152 (see part III of the interview)? He says he can work with both democrats
    and republicans (liberals and conservatives) from a 'second tier'
    perspective. No need for one of the two to win I'd say...

    With friendly greetings,


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