Re: MD Re: MOQ:What is a person.

From: David MOREY (
Date: Fri Oct 10 2003 - 21:47:40 BST

  • Next message: Mati Palm-Leis: "RE: MD MOQ and idealism"


    very much agree that where you cut the pie is a matter of taste.
    Long live good taste!

    David M
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Patrick van den Berg" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 3:35 PM
    Subject: Re: MD Re: MOQ:What is a person.

    > Hi David H,
    > > There is a Pirsg comment in Lilas Child which you may find
    > > interesting.
    > >
    > > 29. The MOQ, as I understand it, denies any existence of a
    > > "self" that is independent of inorganic, biological, social or
    > > intellectual patterns. There is no "self" that contains these
    > > patterns. These patterns contain the self. This denial agrees
    > > with both religious mysticism and scientific knowledge. In
    > > Zen, there is reference to "big self" and "small self". Small
    > > self is the patterns. Big self is Dynamic Quality.
    > Hm, interesting, though I'd like to see it worked out a bit more. I
    > think I've read Lila's Child a while ago. "Big self is Dynamic Quality".
    > I can agree with that maybe, on reflection, but the disadvantage of this
    > is that 'big self' opposes to 'small self'. Isn't it more valueable to
    > see small self being contained by big self? So that our small selves are
    > part of this bigger self?
    > It's true that 'scientific knowledge' agrees with the notion that the
    > patterns contain the self, not vice versa. When you study attention with
    > fMRI or EEG, you see resp. parts of the brain and electromagnetic
    > waveforms that are linked to the act of attention. So what our selves
    > 'will' or 'decide', is not by action of an I on the brain, itself
    > independend of it's own brain, but the action of neural patterns.
    > What you said, that DQ is not merely not-self, and higher self does not
    > include static qualities; well, that's fine with me. To me, it's a
    > matter of taste where you cut the pie of quality-and-selves in two
    > halves.
    > Greetings, Patrick.
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